From Questioning to Conjuring

My Personal Journey of Self-Discovery


I remember being three years old, gazing at the stars and wondering how we got here. Those questions about the universe have stayed with me since childhood. I grew up in a Christian family, attending church every Sunday and participating in Sunday school. However, I found that the church and the Christian teachings I was exposed to couldn't answer the deeper questions I had about the purpose of life and my destiny.

I felt that the traditional religious systems didn't provide the practical, applicable knowledge I was seeking. The school systems and structures of our modern society didn't help either. In high school, I realized that the traditional education system and the pressure to make decisions about my future didn't resonate with me; the system didn't make sense.

One day after school, I was walking downtown Brooklyn, NY, and felt drawn to a bookstore. This moment was pivotal, as I discovered a book called "The Secret Science," which opened my mind and started answering all the big questions I had about life and my destiny. The book introduced me to the "seven universal principles," ancient wisdom that offered the answers that my parents, the church, and teachers could NOT.


Breakfree from the Matrix and Win the Game of Life

I was at a crossroads. I felt pressure from the traditional home, church, and school systems to conform and make decisions about my future, even though I was still figuring myself out. Unfortunately, I chose the expected path, leading me into an unfulfilling career and a toxic, abusive relationship. It wasn't until my grandmother passed away in 2010 that I experienced an emotional breakthrough, allowing me to truly apply the principles I had learned years earlier. With the guidance of an ancient spiritual entity, I was able to completely turn my life around. This was a major turning point that led me to start channeling, working with tarot, and connecting more with my ancestors.

Now, I'm living the life I always dreamed of—residing in a NYC high-rise, running my own successful business, and helping others do the same. I am living proof that if a poor girl from Brooklyn’s inner city could defy the statistics and achieve greatness, then so can you! 

My mission as Conjure Queen is to take these ancient universal principles that transformed my life and make them practical and accessible to a modern audience. I want people to not just learn the principles but actually apply them and see real results in their lives, just as I have.

As I share these ancient principles and "forbidden" spiritual knowledge, I want to make it clear that I don't disagree with Christianity; I acknowledge my Christian upbringing. However, I believe there's a missing piece in the traditional teachings of Christianity, and I found that piece in my journey to understand the universe and our place within it.

My goal is not to push anyone away from their current beliefs or spiritual practices but to encourage an open-minded exploration of universal principles and how they can enhance our lives. My vision is to create a community for healing, growth, and empowerment for all individuals, regardless of their background or beliefs.

So, join me on this journey as we dive into the ancient wisdom and mysteries of the universe, learn practical applications for modern life, and connect with our higher selves. Let's discover together what it truly means to LIVE!

The Principles of The Conjurism Philosophy:

  1. The Principle of Mentalism: Our universe is a construct of the mind, where our thoughts shape our reality.
  2. The Principle of Correspondence: Everything is interconnected; our inner experiences reflect our outer world.
  3. The Principle of Vibration: Elevating our vibrations fosters higher consciousness. Engage in practices that uplift your energy.
  4. The Principle of Polarity: Embrace and integrate both the positive and negative aspects of yourself; achieving balance is essential.
  5. The Principle of Rhythm: Recognize and align with the natural cycles and rhythms of life.
  6. The Principle of Cause and Effect: Act with intention and awareness, mindful of the consequences of your thoughts and actions.
  7. The Principle of Gender: Balance the masculine and feminine energies within you to unlock your creative potential.


What is Conjurism?

Conjurism is a powerful modern philosophy that revives ancient spiritual principles, reclaiming esoteric wisdom lost to the Dark Ages and tyrannical elitists. It’s crafted for today's seekers, blending timeless knowledge with contemporary insight.

Mind Magick: At its core, Conjurism believes the universe is a mental construct shaped by our thoughts. Mastering arcane magick lets practitioners transform reality, conjuring their deepest desires into existence with sheer willpower and imagination.

Alchemy: Beyond turning lead into gold, Conjurist alchemy is about personal and spiritual transformation. It’s the art of transmuting fears and limitations into enlightenment, empowerment, and boundless potential.

Spiritual Technology: Conjurism seamlessly blends ancient practices with cutting-edge spiritual technology. Advanced meditation, visualization, and energy techniques elevate one's vibration and consciousness, integrating ancient wisdom with modern innovation.

Liberation Philosophy: Conjurism isn’t just a philosophy—it’s a liberation movement that frees individuals from societal mental shackles. It’s about reclaiming your power and realizing you’re the director, scriptwriter, and star of your life.

Community and Belonging: The Conjurist Society offers a sanctuary for those feeling lost and disconnected. It’s a vibrant community where your unique journey is celebrated, insights valued, and growth nurtured.

About Shatavia Green, The Conjure Queen:

Shatavia Green, known widely as the Conjure Queen, is a notable spiritual medium and transformative channeler whose journey from adversity to abundance inspires many. With a BA in Media Communications/Film & Production and Theatre for Performing Arts, she graduated Magna Cum Laude. She quickly distinguished herself in her field through prestigious roles at BCAT (Brooklyn Community Access Television) and accolades such as the BAM Award for Performing Arts.

Shatavia's career is characterized by a deep commitment to exploring and mastering ancient occult knowledge. Her formative journey included studying Eastern mysticism and the occult during a significant period abroad in Japan in 2010. This experience became a pivotal point, deeply influencing her spiritual path. Further immersing herself in mysticism, she relocated to New Orleans from 2018 to 2020 to delve into the practices of voodoo and local magic.

Widely recognized for her contributions to Black entrepreneurship, Shatavia has been featured in Blavity Magazine and celebrated for her artistic endeavors and community activism. Her YouTube channel, a hub for spiritual wisdom, earned her the prestigious Silver Play Button in 2022. Shatavia's return to New York City has been marked by her dedication to mentoring young, impoverished children, fostering community growth, and launching the Conjurer Society —a testament to her lifelong mission of sharing ancient wisdom to empower and transform lives.

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